About Company
With our team of experienced engineers and technicians in the field of contracting and projects execuation, we have worked dilligently for many years in various regions of kingdom.
Through the grace of ALLAH we have successfully elevated and developed the company to aim for a better future while maintaining credibilty with our clinets and ensursing qulaity in our work
With Our team of experienced engineers and technicians in the field of contracting and project execuation, we have worked diligently for many years in various region of Kingdom. Through the grace of ALLAH we have successfully elevated and developed the compay to aim for a better future while maintaining credibility with our clients and ensursing quality in our work.
We looking forward to continuing this journey with you, delivering excelence every step of the way.
About Summary

In 2009, Advance Business Contracting Company was established as a sole propritorship under its former name "Beit Al-Bina", operating in the construction of building, excavations, and supplier for individuals and the private sector in Riyadh, Jeddah, and all region of the Kingdom.

In 2012, the organizational structure of the company was developed, and the operations and maintaince department was Introduced under the project managment to execute projects in various provinces of the kingdom.

In 2013, the company expanded its activities by adding the implementation of pipeline extension projects and infrastructure projects to the Project Managment, broadening its scope to cover all regions of the kingdom.

In 2015, the company further expanded its construction activities to include projects in the government sector across various regions of the kingdom.

In 2021, the company initiated the process of changing its legal structure, transformining into limited liablility company, and this become Advance Contracting Company Limited.